Sunday, July 4, 2010

What for?


This blog is to express my ideas and thoughts. I am a simple Indian who experiences a lot of elation and some frustration every day. I just wanted to share some of them with my friends and found a blog as useful. For the title of blog i choose "Pasyanti Jnyana chakshuha" simply because i wanted to keep a title from Bhagavad Gita and that sloka came to my mind (Utkraamantam Sthitam vapi bhugnyanam va gunanvitam Vimoodha nanu pasyanti pasyanti Jnyana chakshuha) which says that flight of soul from body is something which is observed by the wise men only and not by the foolish. I am not saying that i am wise but i am hoping that at least some of the people who are going to read this are and hopefully they will help me to acquire some of that wisdom. As i already mentioned this blog is to express my ideas and there may be some historical inaccuracies or factual errors in this. If you find any or many please forgive me. Thank you

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